

海外资产申报表 (T1135) 新添加的内容包括,海外资产所在的金融机构具体名称,或任何掌握资金的实体名称; 存放海外资产的国家名称; 以及海外资产所产生的具体收益。具体申报内容包括列出的六大类资产︰

  1. 现金类资产,要求提供银行信息、所在国家、一年中该帐户最大存有的金额、年底的余额及一年中产生的收入等信息。
  2. 投资海外公司类资产,要求提供所投资的公司名称、总共投资的最大成本值、年底持有的成本值、一年中产生的收入以及资本增值或亏损等信息。
  3. 海外债务类资产 (包括海外股票基金),要求提供各资产的具体描述、一年中所持有资产的最大成本值、年底持有资产的成本值、一年中产生的收入以及资本增值或亏损。
  4. 非居民信托权益类资产,要求提供信托的名称、一年中所持有权益的最大成本值、年底持有权益的成本值、一年中从该信托中收到的收入金额、一年中从该信托中收到的资本金额、资本增值或亏损等信息。
  5. 海外投资地产类资产,要求提供地产的地址、一年中所持有资产的最大成本值、年底持有资产的成本值、一年中从该地产中收到的收入、地产买卖所产生的资本增值或亏损等信息。
  6. 其他海外资产,要求提供资产的信息,包括一年中所持有资产的最大成本值、年底持有资产的成本值、一年中从该资产收到的收入、因买卖所产生的资本增值或亏损等信息。


对有一年迟报,罚款是$25每天,最高到$2500; 对故意不报,罚款是$500每月,最高到$12000; 对税务局已经发出通知要求申报而故意不报,罚款是$1000每月,最高到$24000; Read more

VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE for foreign reporting requirements

Recently there has been a concentrated effort by the tax authorities to educate taxpayers of these obligations.  One area that is easily overlooked, relates to foreign operations and assets held in foreign countries.   When you have foreign business operations and/or own property in foreign countries there are additional reporting that is required.  The three main types of reporting that may be required are:

Form T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement

This form is required if at any Read more

What is the Foreign Property and do I have to file it?

When you complete your Personal Income tax T1 return in Canada,  if you own or hold foreign property at any time in the taxation year with a total cost of more than $100,000 Canadian,  YES you must complete and file a T1135 Foreign Income Verification Statement which indicates the types of property held and cost of each types of property held. This is required by CRA on the tax return for the foreign property and the first form was required to be filed in 1999.

The new T1135 form will start Read more

What’s New for Foreign Income Verification Statement


On June 25, 2013, CRA launch of a new T1135 – Foreign Income Verification Statement as part of the Government’s measures to crack down on international tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance. The updated form will require additional details to be reported which may be time consuming and onerous.

Filing Requirement

The updated form must be used beginning with the 2013 taxation year. The filing requirement remains unchanged and is triggered if a Canadian resident taxpayer, at any time Read more